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Accepted, unedited articles published online and citable. The final edited and typeset version of record will appear in the future.
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  • YANG Yu-Er 1, WANG Yao 2, LIU Xing-Xing 3, ZHANG Yan 3, WANG Yue-Chun 4△
    Progress in Physiological Sciences.
    In 2021, two American scientists, David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of temperature and touch receptors. This discovery can bring a new research direction to information science. This paper provides an overview of Information science in Physiology and Medicine applications. Computerized big data and mathematical modeling models with diverse sources, the fast growth of data volume and high frequency provide new analytical visions for physiology and medical research. To reveal the basic methods and principles of the application of information science in physiology and medicine and its significance to the development of science, the brief information extraction steps of physiological or medical data are stated. The implementation principles and technical characteristics of traditional statistical methods, traditional machine learning methods, and deep learning methods are compared,and   the future trends .of physiology and medicine research using information science methods are discussed.